Expert Statistics

Statistics provide valuable insights into the performance of mentors on the platform.


Last Update 8 months ago

The dashboard displays the brief and regularly updated summary of the mentor’s activities such as, mentor earnings, scheduled sessions, wallet balance and sales statistics.

  • Complete Profile Prompt

Once you are successfully logged into your mentor profile, there are certain additional details required to be submitted. You are discoverable by the mentees on the front end only when all the mandatory details are provided. Till these details are added, the top section of the Dashboard displays a Complete Your Profile prompt informing you that your profile’s completion is pending. Click on Complete Profile to move to the Account Settings page where the profile can be completely set up.

a) Earnings

This block displays the amount of your earnings to date. Earnings include the payments received on completed sessions and services.

b) Scheduled Sessions

These blocks display the number of sessions that are scheduled for the coming days.

d) Sales Statistics

This section displays a line graph reflecting the summary of your Earnings and Sessions Sold.

From the drop-down menu provided at the upper right corner of this, select the preferred time duration for which sales stats are to be displayed.

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