Registration Process


Last Update hace 10 meses

Click on Become an Expert from the page header on the home page to start your mentor registration process.

You are redirected to the user application page where the Become an Expert form is displayed with the following fields:

  • Email*: Enter a valid email address to be used for registration.
  • Password*: Enter a strong password for your account.

Click on Register with email and the Expert Registration page will open displaying the following tabs:

A. Personal Info

Enter the following personal information in the provided fields:

First Name To register on the platform, information about your expertise is necessary. Select the following details:

*: View/Edit your first name in the provided field. The name is pre-filled as derived from your email address.

Last Name: Enter your last name.

Gender*: Select your gender from the provided radio buttons, Male or Female.

Phone Code*: Select the valid phone code from the drop-down list.

Phone Number*: Enter your phone number.

Date of Birth*: Enter your date of birth.

Click on Save to save the entered details. Once saved, click on Next to move to the next tab.

B. Profile Media

Certain media upload options are available while registering to be easily identified on the platform. The following fields are displayed in this tab:

Profile Picture*: Click on Upload and upload a profile picture in the prescribed format.

Introduction Video: Paste the link of your YouTube video giving a brief about your personal information, experience, and mentoring skills.

Click on Save to save the details and click on Next to move to the next tab. Click on Back to move to the previous tab. You can also use the left navigation panel to move to any of the tabs directly.

C. Expertise

To register on the platform, information about your expertise is necessary. Select the following details: 

Expertise: From the provided expertise list, select one or more expertise that best describes you.

Skills: From the provided skill list, select one or more skills that you have.

Click on Save to save the selected expertise and skills details. Once saved, click on Next to move to the next tab.

D. CV Upload/Resume

Click on Add Upload CV to upload the document that shows you have the required experience in your field.

Once all the experience details are added, accept the Expert Approval Terms & Conditions by selecting the provided checkbox. Click on Save to save the details and click on Next to move to the next tab.

E. Confirmation

The page displays a confirmation for submission of your mentor application along with the application reference number. Your registration request is sent to the admin for approval. Once your request is approved, you are notified on your registered email.

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