Personal Info

SME Advice provides their users the ability to manage their personal information in a secure and transparent way


Last Update 10 tháng trước

Enter your details in the Personal Info section. The section displays a form bifurcated in the following tabs:

a. General

The following general information fields are displayed:

  • Username*: Enter a unique username for your mentor profile.
  • Name*: Enter/Edit your first and last names in the provided fields. The data is pre-filled according to the details entered in the Mentor Registration form.
  • Gender*: View/Edit your formerly selected gender.
  • Designation*: Enter/Edit your designation.
  • Linkedin URL*: Enter/Edit your LinkedIn profile link
  • Biography*: Enter/Edit your about.
  • Phone*: View/Edit your formerly entered country code and phone number in the provided fields.
  • Country*: Select your country of residence from the drop-down list.
  • Time Zone*: Select your country's time zone from the drop-down list. Once you log into the system, your time zone is automatically detected and is reflected here. When the time zone is changed later, your selected general and weekly availability are removed. Revisit the Availability Calendar module to update your new availability timings.
  • Booking Before*: From the drop-down list, select the time mandate between purchase and schedule of a session. For example, when set to 12 hours, the mentees can schedule a one-on-one session for a slot falling after 12 hours of placing the order.

Click on Save to save the details. Click on Next to move to the next tab.

b. Photos & Videos

Access the following media settings:

  • Profile Picture: View or change your profile picture uploaded during registration. To upload a new profile picture, click on Edit and select an image from the internal storage. Click on Remove to remove the profile picture. Once the picture is removed, use the Add button now available to upload a new picture.

Introduction Video Link: Paste the YouTube link for your introduction video. 

This is displayed on your profile page and can be viewed by the mentees who visit your profile.

Click on Save to save the details. 

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