Shortcut Buttons

Shortcut buttons are customizable icons that allow mentors to quickly access frequently used features with a single click.


Last Update 8 bulan yang lalu

Shortcut buttons on Startwise provide a convenient and efficient way to navigate and streamline tasks, making it easier and faster for users to access the information they need.

The left panel of the Dashboard displays the following sections:

a. Hamburger Menu 

Click on the hamburger menu to expand or contract the dashboard side navigation panel.

b. Home

Click on the home icon button and you will be instantly redirected to the Dashboard page from any other mentor profile page.

c. Messages

Click on the messages icon button to display the messages page. This page displays the ongoing communication threads with other users on the platform.

d. Notifications

Click on the notifications icon button to display the My Notifications page. The page displays the list of all actions that have an effect on your account. These may include wallet balance revisions, request updates, unread messages, new sessions booked or cancelled, and so on and so forth.

e. Logout

Click on the notifications icon button to display the My Notifications page. The page displays the list of all actions that have an effect on your account. These may include wallet balance revisions, request updates, unread messages, new sessions booked or cancelled, and so on and so forth.

e. Logout

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