
Manage how you withdraw money into your account


Last Update há um ano

Startwise allows you to withdraw the money from your digital wallet into your personal account. The withdrawal requests are escalated to the admin for approval. Once approved, the amount is deducted from your wallet and transferred to your personal account.

Access and create withdrawal requests from the Withdrawal Requests page. The requests are displayed in the form of a list where details such as withdrawal ID, amount, transaction fee, comments, date, and status of requests can be observed.

  • Request Withdrawal

To make a withdrawal request, click on Request Withdrawal from the upper right corner of the page. The Request Withdrawal window form appears where the following fields are available:

  • Bank Payout: By default, the payment type is bank Payout for now.
  • Amount*: Enter the amount to be withdrawn from your currently available wallet balance.
  • Bank Name*: Enter the name of the bank you hold an account with.
  • Account Holder Name*: Enter the name of the bank account holder.
  • Account Number*: Enter a valid bank account number.
  • IFSC Swift Code: Enter a valid IFSC Swift code for your bank account.
  • Bank Address: Enter the address of your bank.

Once all the details are entered, click on Send Request. The withdrawal request is then sent to the admin for approval. It is also added to the list on the Withdrawal Requests page with a Pending status. Once the admin accepts or rejects your request, you receive an email notification. The status of the request is updated on this page accordingly.

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