For Mentees


Last Update setahun yang lalu

As a mentee, the forum is where you can connect with experienced mentors, fellow entrepreneurs, and industry professionals to seek guidance, knowledge, and support for your entrepreneurial journey. Mentors can comment on the question and react by liking or disliking the question:

  • Ask a Question

To ask a new question in the discussion forum, click Ask Question from the upper right corner of the page. You are redirected to the question form where the following details are to be provided: 

  • Title*: Enter the title of the question. The prescribed character limit is displayed at the right corner of the field.

Question Slug*: Enter an SEO-friendly slug URL for the question.

  • Description*: In the content editor box, enter a brief description of the question, explain the problem statement in detail or provide additional specifications.
  • Skills: Start typing to search for the skill relevant to your question for better identification. Out of the admin-added skills displayed as results, select one or more tags you want to bind your question with.
  • Question Status: Use the toggle switch to set the status of the question. Set to green

to update the question as Published and the question is displayed on the forum questions listing pages. Set to grey

to update the question as Unpublished and the question is displayed on the My Questions page as a drafted question.

Comments Allowed: Use the toggle switch to allow or disallow comments on the question. Set to green

to allow the platform users to add comments to the question. Set to gray

and the users can not add comments to the question.

Click Save And Request for Approval to save the question and move back to the My Questions page.

The newly created question is sent to admin for approval and added to the list on this page. When updated as published, and the question is approved by admin it will instantly be posted on the discussion forum. When updated as unpublished, the question is listed on the My Questions page with the status as Drafted and is not displayed to the platform users.

2. View Comments

Click the view comments icon button to view the comments posted on a question

View the details of the comment from the pop-up window displayed on the screen, such as the user who has posted the comment, the time of adding the comment likes and dislikes on the comment, comment content, etc.

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